About Book Around the Corner

“Books are the most amazing objects, aren’t they?”

He looked puzzled, she realized, by the banality of this observation.

“I mean, because they’re lumpish objects, they have a physical existence, like we do. But any single book is the instantiation of a kind of Platonic form, the ideal, the creation of an author, which exists independent of the physical object. And here they sit on the shelf: the ideal’s latent until we pick it up and connect ourselves with the mind of a man or a woman who may be long dead. And, in the case of a novel, with a world that never actually existed”

Jay McInerney, The Good Life.

This quote by Jay McInerney describes what can best happen when reading. Forgetting time and place, leaving this life to live another one. Be swallowed by another world or discover in someone else’s words our most intimate feelings and thoughts.

This blog is about the books I read. I’m not an academic reader and I don’t know much about literature. But I’ve always been fond of books and I’m happy that technology allows me to connect with fellow readers from all over the world.

I’m French and I chose to write in English. Sorry for my French friends but I’m trying to expand my horizon beyond our borders. This also means that I don’t write in my native language. Sorry for my English-speaking friends, I’ll make mistakes. Hopefully there won’t be too many of them.

If you browse through my blog, you’ll see that I read literary fiction and crime fiction, in French and in English. I enjoy translated literature to travel to other countries and I don’t care that things are lost in translation. It’s a small loss compared to never reading Russian or Japanese or Arabic literature because I don’t know the language.

I started this blog to share what I read with other readers and hopefully discuss it with people who have read that book before. Blogging forces me to pause between books and take the time to think about what I read and try to decipher why I liked or disliked this particular book. I also wanted to discover new authors and have new reading ideas.

Now, let me introduce you to the little quirks of Book Around the Corner.

Who’s my avatar?

She’s Mafalda, the heroin from the Argentinean comic books by Quino. To know more about her and why I chose her as my avatar, read this post Mafalda & me. Mostly, I love her sass and her sense humor. She thinks out of the box.

Romain Gary

I’m a huge fan of this writer and you’ll find more info on my Reading Romain Gary page.

Weird categories.

I file under Beach & Public Transport books that are readable in noisy environments. My Sugar Without Cellulite category records feel-good novels. The Gallmeister category registers books published by the French publishing house Gallmeister and they are either crime fiction or nature writing books. Translation Tragedy is the category for wonderful books I’ve read in French but are not available in English and vice versa.

French lexicon

I use some French words when I blog because I couldn’t find the right English equivalent to them. I wrote about them in my seventh blog anniversary here but I thought it would be better to list them on my About Page, to welcome the newcomers into the Book Around the Corner gang.

Billet [bijɛ]

Like French bloggers, I use the word billet instead of review. I like this word. A billet doux is a love note you pass to your lover, a billet d’humeur is a column in a newspaper, always an opinion, not a professional review. So, you’ll hear about billets because sometimes I write love notes about books, sometimes I’m a little provocative and most of all, literature isn’t my profession.

Libraire [libʁɛʁ]

A bookworm who works in a bookstore is not a book seller, it’s a libraire. It’s a noble profession and I never found the equivalent in the English language. There’s an implicit curtsey in the word libraire, the one you have in store for people who bow to literature and will recommend books with insight and passion. They work in librairies.

Bouquin [bukε̃]

An affectionate way to say book.

Bouquiniste [bukinist]

A libraire who sells used bouquins, in other words, a secondhand bookseller. Tourists know the bouquinistes on the bank of the Seine river in Paris. There’s one at a corner of Central Park too.

Bande-dessinée (BD)

It’s a neutral word that covers comic books, graphic novels and all books with images and bubbles. French people are voracious BD readers and France is the second market for mangas, after Japan.

Polar [pɔlar]

A generic and affectionate word to call crime fiction books. This is why Lyon’s crime fiction festival is named Quais du Polar. Quais means banks and it refers to the banks of the two rivers of Lyon, the Rhône and the Saône.

Now that you know me and that you’ve read the blog’s users’ manual,

Welcome again to my literary salon! 😊

I hope you’ll have fun reading my billets and that we’ll have the chance to discuss books in the future.



PS: If you wish to contact me, leave a comment or email me at:


  1. February 10, 2012 at 4:45 am

    Hello Bookaround – i have been browsing your blog. It is very impressive. You have great taste in literature. I love your writing style, it seems casual yet a sophisticated at the same time. We need more great literature blogs like this! Please do keep blogging.


    • February 10, 2012 at 11:47 pm

      Thank you for visiting and for your kind comment. I’ll try not to disappoint.


  2. June 28, 2012 at 11:13 pm

    vraiment, serais-tu une autre Emma, française qui blog en anglais? je suis Emma @ Words And Peace, j’habite près de chicago. voici mon blog sur les livres que je lis: http://wordsandpeace.com. Nous faisons toutes les deux le Japanese Literature Challenge, c’est comme cela que je t’ai trouvée. J’ai vu Emma, avec Norwegian Wood, et je sais que je n’ai pas mis de recension sur ce livre récemment.


    • June 29, 2012 at 3:37 pm

      Emma est mon diminutif pour internet mais sinon, oui, je suis bien française et je blogue en anglais. Crazy? I’ll have a look at your blog.


  3. September 17, 2012 at 5:33 am

    Bonjour Emma,
    Lisa de ANZLitLovers m’a parlé de ton blog, c’est fantastique, et tres courageux de l’ecrire en anglais. J’habite a Melbourne et tiens un blog en francais (http://lekoalalit.wordpress.com) exclusivement sur la litterature australienne. Je suis dorénavant ton blog et j’espere qu’on pourra se faire découvrir des livres.


    • September 17, 2012 at 9:34 pm


      J’ai souscrit à ton blog également, je ne sais pas si tu as vu mon message. La littérature australienne est très mal représentée en France. On n’en parle presque jamais.


  4. January 11, 2013 at 12:18 pm

    Quel plaisir de voir qu’il existent encore les français qui lisent autant de livres! J’ai rencontré trop de gens qui n’étaient interessés que par les choses ‘plus pratiques’ 😦 I’m very happy to have discovered your blog and will follow you with pleasure. Warm regards from Poland!


    • January 11, 2013 at 10:05 pm

      Hello, thanks for visiting and following my blog. I hope you’ll like the billets I publish.
      Don’t be so pessimistic, there are as many readers in France than in any other country. 🙂


  5. February 26, 2013 at 10:02 pm

    Great blog, I shall be stopping by more often.


    • February 26, 2013 at 11:17 pm

      Thanks for your kind words. I hope you’ll enjoy reading my billets.


  6. April 29, 2013 at 2:39 pm

    Hello Bookaroundthecorner,

    I just stumbled across your blog and I love it!!!!! I added it to my list of litblogs… on my own literature blog. Of course, I got into blogging little more than four months ago and I converted my blog into a litblog somewhere on the way.

    However, I hope that you’ll write many more of your interesting posts about good literature. All the best from another blogger in a foreign language!


    • April 29, 2013 at 8:36 pm

      Thank you very much for your kind message and welcome to blogging.
      I’ll have a look at your blog and I hope to hear from you again.



  7. April 30, 2013 at 9:35 am

    Well, Emma, if you continue to write interesting posts, you’ll surely hear from me every now and then. Unfortunately, I’m pretty busy these days and can’t follow every interesting blog as I would like to, but yours is in my bloglist and I check those regularly 🙂


    • April 30, 2013 at 6:45 pm

      Same problem for everyone: so many interesting bloggers to follow and not enough time.
      I subscribed to your blog, btw. I like what you’re covering.


      • May 2, 2013 at 10:34 am

        I’m glad that you like my blog so much to have subscribed. 🙂

        I’ve fallen a bit out of step with my entries, but such is life. Next book review tomorrow – I hope.


  8. August 31, 2013 at 10:50 pm

    i am happy to know that you are French, it is a great idea to write in English. I hope we will be able to talk more. I love your concept. Fantastic! I live in England in Devon. How about you? Are you in France?


    • August 31, 2013 at 10:59 pm

      Thanks, I wanted to be in contact with readers from other countries, that’s why I chose to write in English. It’s not the easiest way for me but it’s rewarding.
      I live in France.


  9. November 14, 2013 at 12:34 am

    Well, Emma, it looks as though following your blog will be a great adventure. I prefer literary fiction and crime fiction as you do, but I’m American, read French almost exclusively, and write it as often as I get the chance. The other difference I’ve spotted so far is that one pass through À l’ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs was quite enough for me.
    Best wishes,


    • November 14, 2013 at 10:20 pm


      Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I’m always glad to hear about a foreigner who speaks French.
      I think most of the regular reader of my blog (or at least the ones who manifest themselves) can read French, some better than others.
      If you drop by again, you’ll see that I put quotes from books in both languages when I write about a French book.

      And yes, I love Proust. As much as Gary, but differently because each speak to me at a different level.

      I hope to hear from you soon.

      All the best,



  10. November 15, 2013 at 12:48 am

    I certainly did notice your juxtaposition of the English and French passages. What a lot of work, but it sure makes it easier for the rest of us.

    Having taken a crack at translating both ways, I now appreciate how difficult the process is and have the utmost respect for good translations. Are you open to inquiry and criticism?


    • November 15, 2013 at 7:45 am

      Inquiry and criticism about what?
      If you mean reading about literary criticism, then no, not really.
      I enjoy reading about the historical and political concept of a book but I don’t care much about deeply analysing the structure of the narrative or the style.


  11. Catherine
    March 17, 2014 at 12:10 pm

    Well done for you! Je trouve ca tres bien et tres impressionnant avec ton niveau d’anglais d’ecrire un blog en anglais. Comme tu l’as vu, le mien est bilingue et j’ai souris lorsque tu as parle des fautes eventuelles que tu pouvais faire. Haha moi aussi je l’ai mis sur mon blog. Bah oui, j’ai beau etre bilingue, je ne suis pas une native non plus! En tout cas ton blog va me donner l’occasion de decouvrir (en anglais) tes lectures et je m’en rejouis d’avance!:-)


    • March 17, 2014 at 11:30 pm

      Merci pour le message et les encouragements. Des fois je me dis «quelle arrogance, ce blog en anglais!»
      Tant pis pour les fautes, le ridicule ne tue pas et je suis ravie des contacts que j’ai établis grâce à Book Around The Corner.


      • Catherine
        March 18, 2014 at 12:11 pm

        Tout a fait et ca n’a rien d’arrogant, au contraire! Et je comprends que tu veuilles nouer par la meme occasion des contacts outre mer. Bravo encore!I’m looking forward to discover more about your blog and reviews! 😉


  12. Martin Hoyle
    March 23, 2014 at 6:42 pm

    I’ve just heard a preview of a BBC radio adaptation of Mayorga’s The Boy at the Back (sic), to go out on Mar 30 on Radio 3. The translation is by David Johnston which, without having seen or read the play (or film) I can only assume is excellent. The whole experience was thoroughly gripping, provocative, stimulating and not a little creepy (what will Claudio become?). And the wretched teacher!… God protect youthful promise from soured mediocrity. Anyway, I’m delighted to find this blog and full of admiration for your English. I wish my French were up to it (note subjunctive, in case you wondered, not that we English bother about that much these days. Perhaps I’m an embittered pedant…). Continue the good work.


    • March 23, 2014 at 10:26 pm

      So The Boy at the Back is the official English title of this play. I get a lot of hits on this post, the play seems to be in school programs. If you have a chance to catch the film, go for it, it’s great.

      Thanks for your kind words about my English. I do know about the subjunctive, I learnt it was mandatory after “I wish I …” That’s the kind of grammar rule we have to learn by heart and I remember exercices to memorise it.


  13. Tredynas Days
    August 24, 2014 at 9:01 pm

    Hi Emma, I’ve just come across your blog via Max at Pechorin’s Journal. I’m SO impressed that you write in a language that isn’t your own. I like your taste in literature too, so shall look forward to reading more of your posts. Bonne chance!


    • August 25, 2014 at 9:18 pm

      Welcome to Book Around the Corner and thanks for your kind message.
      I hope to hear from you on future billets.



  14. September 4, 2014 at 10:27 am

    I discovered you via Guy Savage and saw that you are French (I’m currently living in France just outside Geneva), that we have many friendly blogs in common and that you also went to Quais du Polar in Lyon this year. Hope to have many productive ‘conversations’ with you about crime fiction and other literature.


    • September 4, 2014 at 8:01 pm


      I’m glad Guy’s post gave you the idea to visit my blog.
      We don’t live far from each other, I see.
      How did you like Quai du polar? Did you chat with that libraire from Au Bonheur des Ogres?


  15. December 19, 2014 at 12:16 am

    Just found your blog via Tony’s Reading List. I’m going to be spending many happy hours perusing your site I can tell……


    • December 19, 2014 at 9:50 am

      Welcome aboard and thanks for the nice message. I hope you won’t be disappointed.


  16. December 21, 2014 at 11:19 pm

    Bonjour Emma! Thank you for visiting my blog 🙂 You’re the first blogger from France, I’ve “met”. I am truly enjoying your blog. What a wonderful idea! I wish my rudimentary High School French was as good as your English 😦


    • December 21, 2014 at 11:27 pm

      I hope you’ll discover new books here. I often include quotes in French and in English in my billets (my French word for my reviews) so it’ll give you an opportunity to read in French. 🙂


      Liked by 1 person

  17. January 24, 2015 at 10:00 am

    I love the quote at the beginning of your “about” page. Being blind I do most of my reading on my Kindle using it’s text to speech facility. I do, however love the physicality of paper books. I own braille books but they take up a good deal of room, for example Wuthering Heights runs to 4 braille volumes while The New Oxford Book Of English Verse comprises 10! I look forward to following your blog. Kind regards, Kevin


    • January 24, 2015 at 9:36 pm

      Thanks for your message and I hope you’ll like my future billets.
      I use the text-to-speech facility too, not for the same reason as you. It helps me to improve my English because I can see the words and hear how to pronounce them.


  18. February 2, 2015 at 7:27 pm

    Bonjour Emma:

    I am 95% a screenwriter but just published Proud Patrick on Amazon. The only thing French in the novel is the protagonist’s first apartment which he adorns with a print of a Gustave Courbet painting of the young artist returning to his village after studies in Paris. His beard resembled an angry phallus and somehow this was interesting to the protag.

    I am looking for reviewers who are mad about books who like to review.

    The novel briefly described:

    In the tradition of Angela’s Ashes, this is a sad/happy family saga told over forty years: the story of the six Sullivan siblings and what happened to their lives after their mother ran off with the butcher.

    Presented with death and suicide, Patrick (and another prodigal) and his brothers and sisters maintain themselves over a long Dublin week of celebration and sorrow with unsteady triumph acted out in comic routines, buoyed by wrought iron memories forged in pain.

    Will send a trade paperback on request.


    Michael Aloysius O’Reilly


    • February 5, 2015 at 1:47 pm

      Hello Michael

      Thanks for dropping by and commenting. I don’t take review copies at the moment, my TBR is too huge and I want to read what I already have.



  19. November 11, 2015 at 5:56 pm

    Title: A Danger to God Himself
    Author: John Draper
    Publisher: Kindle Direct Publishing
    Publication date: Nov. 2015
    Genre: Literary fiction
    Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/Danger-God-Himself-John-Draper/dp/1518881092/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1447252340&sr=8-1&keywords=a+danger+to+god+himself


    My name is John Draper. I’m hoping you might be willing to review my first novel, A Danger to God Himself. It is not a religious book. It is literary fiction and a satire of religious certainty. It’s the story of a Mormon missionary who goes insane on his mission. Here is the back cover blurb:

    Mormon missionary/onetime hedonist Kenny Feller has realized that God isn’t about to give him an ounce of the miracle power he needs to succeed on his mission—as promised! What’s more, he’s concluded that, frankly, people aren’t worth the trouble. Then his new junior companion shows up—the wisecracking Jared Baserman—and immediately starts hearing heavenly voices and seeing fantastic visions. For Kenny, it is immediately clear that God has sent Jared to propel him into Mormon Manhood.

    But Kenny’s not the only person who takes note. Interests both virtuous and malevolent cozy up to Kenny and Jared, eager to make use of Jared’s gifting. At first, Kenny takes this as a sign that his perceptions of Jared are spot on. God is using Jared.

    But something’s not quite right.

    Specifically, why in the hell would God choose someone as slope-shouldered as Jared—someone so unreligious, so strange—to be a channel for His supernatural power? He doesn’t even read the Book of Mormon. Plus he smells funny. As their tracting grows fruitless and Jared’s messages grow more bizarre, Kenny begins to wonder: Is Jared really touched by God?

    And, if so, does God know what He’s doing?

    A Danger to God Himself is a scathing takedown of religious certainty, a life-affirming tale set in 1970s Washington state—equal parts spiritual road map and coming-of-age tale.

    I’d be happy to send you a copy for your review.

    Thanks for your time.


    • November 11, 2015 at 9:55 pm


      Thanks for thinking of me to read and review your novel but I’m still trying to decrease my TBR.

      My #TBR20 project isn’t completed yet; so I don’t accept review copies of books.


      I wish you the best.



  20. February 19, 2016 at 9:51 am

    I see. The seagulls read books after breakfast.


    • February 20, 2016 at 9:36 am

      The Seagulls even read books DURING breakfast.


  21. Deepika Ramesh
    February 21, 2016 at 9:46 am

    Hi Book Around, I just discovered your blog, and I am so glad I did. I particularly love the quote that you have used here. I look forward to reading more of your blogs. Many thanks! 🙂


  22. Dorothy H Willis
    June 21, 2016 at 3:03 am

    Hello. As did many of your readers I found your blog when searching for information on Remembrance of Things Past. When I was a college student in the 50’s my logic professor told us there was one book we should read: Remembrance …. I bought a two volume set and carried it from house to house, always attempting to read it, always unsuccessfully. Now I am listening to each volume on audio CD’s from my library. Your blog is hugely helpful. I have the old translation and hope to find the newer one. I look forward to reading your blog about other books I haven’t yet read.


    • June 21, 2016 at 10:43 pm


      Thanks for dropping by and for your lovely comment. I’m glad you found an audio version of Proust that suits you and allow you to discover his wonderful prose and his universe.
      I’m glad to know that the links I put on my Reading Proust page were useful.
      Enjoy and don’t hesitate to leave comments on posts. They’re always welcome. A big part of the blogging experience is discussing books with other readers.


  23. August 11, 2016 at 12:45 pm

    I’m so impressed that you are running a blog in a second language and glad it’s in English! Even after studying French and German through college, I would never be able to do what you’re doing.


    • August 15, 2016 at 2:37 am

      Thanks. It’s not always easy but I’m trying. English is a special language to me and I’ve improved over the years.

      Liked by 1 person

  24. Tee Wai
    October 2, 2017 at 6:51 am

    You have a very vibrant blog Emma. I’ve started following you. Will be looking forward to reading more of your posts.


    • October 2, 2017 at 1:05 pm

      What a nice message!
      Thanks! I hope you’ll enjoy my reading adventures.

      Liked by 1 person

  25. Caroline Cooke
    November 5, 2017 at 3:05 am

    Just found your blog Emma in a desperate bid to understand Silk (Baricco). Your comments chimed with my views and made me smile. I know that you reviewed it some time ago but it is my latest book club pick. Views to be debated this Tuesday…..!


    • November 5, 2017 at 9:32 pm

      Hello and welcome to my blog.
      To sum Silk up : Much ado about nothing but at least it led you to my blog.
      The comment section at the end of the post is not closed, don’t hesitate to leave a comment there and tell me how your book club reacted to it.
      This post has had a lot of hits from the Philippines since August. Either some robots tried to spam it or some students had to read it in school. I wonder what they made of my billet if they were looking for clues to understand the book.


  26. joejamchicago
    July 29, 2018 at 1:34 pm

    Subject: book review request

    (Multicultural/literary fiction; 133,000 words; 520 pages)
    Published by: Line by Lion Publishing, Louisville, Ky, [NOT a vanity/subsidy/participation press]

    Dear Avid Reader,

    I believe that, since you are addicted to well-written words with meat on the bone, you will like A PLACE CALLED SCHUGARA–a lot. It contrasts the ennui and despair of late Twentieth Century America with the caring culture of “Mabouhey,” an island in the Caribbean.

    Here’s what Dr. Richard Hanson, Professor Emeritus (English), University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire
    has to say about A PLACE CALLED SCHUGARA:

    A PLACE CALLED SHUGARA offers an interesting variety of unusual characters, from
    frustrated and unhappy Midwesterners to shrewdly enterprising Caribbean natives
    whose colorful patois is entertaining and delightful. Three of those characters–a
    jaded academic from Chicago, a desperate factory owner from Ohio, and an
    opportunistic insurance investigator from New York–are drawn to a place that
    lovingly welcomes the three misfits. None is actively seeking spiritual rebirth as the
    story begins and each has his own reason for traveling to the little island, but the
    serendipitous result for all three is essentially the same: a renewal of life and spiritual
    wholeness among the inhabitants of a loving community that lives in a place called
    Schugara. Along with its cast of colorful characters the novel also contains a memorable
    blend of rollicking humor and poignant emotion, qualities that will linger in the memory
    of every reader.


    A Place Called Shugara is the story of three Americans who come together on the Caribbean island Mabouhey at a place called Schugara. Travers Landeman, an Ohio businessman, escapes a failing marriage and a failing business. Mourning the suicide of his nephew, he flees to Mabouhey, where he fakes his death. Joe Rogers, owner of The Yellow Harp bookstore in Chicago, leads a group of amateur archeologists to Mabouhey. He finds a pre-Columbian treasure, a jeweled mask dating to the Arawak era. Albert Sidney McNab, a private investigator, is hired by the Atlantis Fidelity Insurance Company to search for Travers. Travers discovers his nephew’s diary, which tells of his nephew’s sexual abuse by his parish priest, Father Art. He feels obligated to return to his former life to bring Father Art to justice. Joe, who has his own axe to grind with the Atlantis Fidelity Insurance Company, persuades Travers that it is better to leave that task to Albert. Albert consents, for the love he has found on Mabouhey, a woman named Esmerelda, matters more than the money he may or may not get from Atlantis Fidelity. Albert, Esmerelda, and the mask go to the United States. Father Art is beaten to death in his jail cell while awaiting trial. As United Nations Ambassador of its newest member nation, the Commonwealth of the Island of Mabouhey, Mrs. Esmerelda McNab has the mask auctioned at Sotheby’s, despite protestors from Columbia University who denounce the sale as “cultural genocide.”

    Author’s Bio:

    Along with William Carlos Williams, Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, and Victor Cruz, Joe English is a proud son of Paterson, New Jersey (with one “t.”) He came of age in Mexico City, Mexico. He worked as a ranch hand at the Wild Horn Ranch in Florissant, Colorado. He has a B. A. cum laude from Colorado College in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and an M. A. from Rice University in Houston, Texas. English is a Woodrow Wilson Fellow. He has lived for 48 years in the Austin neighborhood on Chicago’s west side. When Austin resegregated from 100% Caucasian to 95+% African-American in 1970-71, English was one of a handful of residents who cast down their buckets with their new neighbors. As a minority in a majority minority community, he has a unique perspective on the state of urban America. English was featured in a 60 Minutes broadcast as a first hand witness to neighborhood resegregation in Chicago. He was a professor at Triton College in River Grove, Illinois, for sixteen years. He founded Oak Park Real Estate in 1984, which provided decent, safe, and affordable housing, primarily in the Austin neighborhood. At its peak, Oak Park Real Estate managed 900 residential apartments. He still maintains a residence in Austin but now spends much of his time in Sosua, Dominican Republic, founded by Jewish refugees in the late 1930’s who were fleeing Hitler’s tyranny. “I live in two soulful places,” English says. “I am doubly blessed.” English’s writings have appeared in the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Chicago Reader and Co-Existence, the literary journal which featured the works of Henry Miller. His most recent publication, the short story Mrs. Padgett’s Pearls, was selected by Zimbell House Publishing for the anthology After Effects.

    Please view SCHUGARA’s website: http://sites.google.com/view/schugara
    or schugara.com The book’s cover is on this site.

    Please let me know if I may send you a copy (paperback or electronic file) for your review consideration.

    Maximum respect,
    Joe English


    • July 29, 2018 at 1:42 pm

      I’m sorry Joe, but I don’t have time to read review copies of books.
      I wish your book a lot of success.


  27. Stephen Kehoe
    May 8, 2021 at 11:48 pm

    Came across your blog while researching a book I picked up at an estate sale, Ashes, Ashes by Rene Barjavel, though, truth be told, I grabbed it because it was translated by Damon Knight, a writer/editor I happened to know slightly and admired greatly. In any case, your blog is lovely. Truly our tastes don’t appear to overlap much but I am always thrilled to see literature discussed in such articulate and well informed fashion. Best regards, Stephen


    • May 9, 2021 at 8:25 am

      Thank you for your kind comment,Stephen and welcome to Book Around the Corner.
      I hope you’ll take time to leave a comment on my Ashes Ashes billet, I’m curious to read what you thought of it.


  28. December 6, 2021 at 10:50 am

    Bonjour! I’ve added your blog to my Feedly reader after I saw you’d read Redhead by the Side of the Road on BookerTalk’s review of an Anne Tyler. I was going to write this comment in French but my French has slipped and I’m learning Spanish at the moment, which gets all mixed up if I’m not careful!


    • December 7, 2021 at 10:34 pm

      Bonjour! Welcome to Book Around the Corner. 🙂
      I hope you’ll enjoy my billet and will forgive all the mistakes I make in English.


  29. Andrew Simpson
    April 16, 2022 at 9:33 am

    Bonjour Emma, just discovered your blog, via searching for more info on David Foenkinos. I’m English but read in French, trying to improve my language skills since I moved to France. There is lots to discover here, thank you.


    • April 16, 2022 at 10:53 am

      Bonjour Andrew. Thank you for your message and I hope you’ll find francophone books you’ll like while browsing through my billets.


  30. Victor Thompson
    June 13, 2022 at 3:14 am

    Hey buddy, France Culture mentioned the guy who wrote Fuck America, and looking for reviews, I stumbled upon your blog. then I read the two reviews of Berlin Alexanderplatz. sure, anyway, if you want an interesting book in a sort germanique language, you could try Min Kamp (my struggle ) by a Norwegian author (Karl something?). it’s like six hundred pages long, and there are maybe five more volumes if you like the first one
    right now my subway book is la Condition Humaine, Tome 1, Scènes de la vie privée
    later, Victor


    • June 18, 2022 at 6:37 am

      Thank you for your comment and enjoy Balzac!


  31. Narayan Subramanian
    December 18, 2022 at 4:33 pm

    Hi Emma, Trust you are well. Just letting you know I have sent you an email. I would appreciate a revert, if possible.


    • December 18, 2022 at 5:39 pm

      Hi, I’ve seen your email, will reply soon.


  1. April 30, 2020 at 8:16 am
  2. June 7, 2022 at 10:00 pm
  3. March 7, 2023 at 8:00 pm

I love to hear your thoughts, thanks for commenting. Comments in French are welcome

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Aire(s) Libre(s)

L’envie de partage et la curiosité sont à l’origine de ce blog. Garder les yeux ouverts sur l’actualité littéraire sans courir en permanence après les nouveautés. S’autoriser les chemins de traverse et les pas de côté, parler surtout de livres, donc, mais ne pas s’interdire d’autres horizons. Bref, se jeter à l’eau ou se remettre en selle et voir ce qui advient. Aire(s) Libre(s), ça commence ici.

Literary Potpourri

A blog on books and other things literary

Adventures in reading, running and working from home

Liz Dexter muses on freelancing, reading, and running ...

Book Jotter

Reviews, news, features and all things books for passionate readers

Buried In Print

Cover myself with words

Bookish Beck

Read to live and live to read

Grab the Lapels

Widening the Margins Since 2013

Gallimaufry Book Studio

“To leave the reader free to decide what your work means, that’s the real art; it makes the work inexhaustible.” -- Ursula K. Le Guin

Aux magiciens ès Lettres

Pour tout savoir des petits et grands secrets de la littérature


Adventures in reading

The Pine-Scented Chronicles

Learn. Live. Love.

Contains Multitudes

A reading journal

Thoughts on Papyrus

Exploration of Literature, Cultures & Knowledge

His Futile Preoccupations .....

On a Swiftly Tilting Planet

Sylvie's World is a Library

Reading all you can is a way of life

JacquiWine's Journal

Mostly books, with a little wine writing on the side

An IC Engineer

Just another WordPress.com weblog

Pechorin's Journal

A literary blog

Somali Bookaholic

Discovering myself and the world through reading and writing

Australian Women Writers Challenge Blog

Supporting and promoting books by Australian women

Lizzy's Literary Life (Volume One)

Celebrating the pleasures of a 21st century bookworm

The Australian Legend

Australian Literature. The Independent Woman. The Lone Hand

Messenger's Booker (and more)

Australian poetry interviews, fiction I'm reading right now, with a dash of experimental writing thrown in

A Bag Full Of Stories

A Blog about Books and All Their Friends

By Hook Or By Book

Book Reviews, News, and Other Stuff

madame bibi lophile recommends

Reading: it's personal

The Untranslated

A blog about literature not yet available in English

Intermittencies of the Mind

Tales of Toxic Masculinity

Reading Matters

Book reviews of mainly modern & contemporary fiction


words, images and musings on life, literature and creative self expression


Book reviews by someone who loves books ...

Dolce Bellezza

~for literature

Cleopatra Loves Books

One reader's view

light up my mind

Diffuser * Partager * Remettre en cause * Progresser * Grandir

South of Paris books

Reviews of books read in French,English or even German

1streading's Blog

Just another WordPress.com weblog

Tredynas Days

A Literary Blog by Simon Lavery

Ripple Effects

Serenity is golden... But sometimes a few ripples are needed as proof of life.

Ms. Wordopolis Reads

Book talk from an eclectic reader fond of crime novels

Time's Flow Stemmed

Wild reading . . .

A Little Blog of Books

Book reviews and other literary-related musings


Lectures épicuriennes

Tony's Reading List

Too lazy to be a writer - Too egotistical to be quiet

Whispering Gums

Books, reading and more ... with an Australian focus ... written on Ngunnawal Country


Thinking, writing, thinking about writing...