Home > 1970, 20th Century, American Literature, Novel, Savage Elizabeth, Translation Tragedy > The Last Night at the Ritz by Elizabeth Savage – it deserves to be rediscovered

The Last Night at the Ritz by Elizabeth Savage – it deserves to be rediscovered

The Last Night at the Ritz by Elizabeth Savage (1973) Not available in French

The worst scars don’t show at all, but you can learn to live with them. Believe me.

When I read The Power of the Dog by Thomas Savage, I went to Wikipedia to read his biography and discovered he’s been married to writer Elizabeth Savage. (1918-1989) I’d never heard of her –but would have I heard about her husband without Gallmeister? – and I got curious.

I am thankful for e-books and Nancy Pearl’s Book Lust because I could easily put my hands on The Last Night at the Ritz (1973) and The Girls from the Five Great Valleys (1976), her most famous novels. A woman of her time, Elizabeth Savage only started to write novels when she was 42, after her three children had grown up a bit, I suppose. I haven’t read The Girls from the Five Great Valleys yet.

The Last Night at the Ritz is set in Boston, at the end of the 1960s. The narrator of the book remains unnamed, so, we’ll call her the Narrator. She’s a middle-aged woman and she’s meeting with her fried Gay, her husband Len and her friend Wes for a luncheon at the Ritz. Gay and the Narrator have been friends since they were teenagers. They went to high school and college together. Gay and Len met in college as well.

We know from the start that there’s something final about this Last Night at the Ritz and Elizabeth takes us there in the last pages, building the suspense –you can’t help wondering what happened—and at the same time promenades us through the Narrator’s past and the present days issues.

The Narrator relates that luncheon, which turns into booking a room at the Ritz and attending a party organized by Len’s office. (Len works for a publisher, he’s an agent. Gay and the Narrator studied literature in school too but never made a career out of it.)

The Narrator is unreliable, and if the reader doesn’t guess it, she says it candidly: Nobody — except for Gay—has ever trusted me. And for good reason.

The Narrator comes back to her lifelong friendship with Gay. They are very different in their approach to life, Gay trying to tick all the right boxes and the Narrator doing whatever pleases her.

My poor friend: she is so good and so grave. And so vulnerable. She really thought she knew just how it’s done. First you work hard and thoughtfully and win all the prizes. Then you marry your true love and live passionately forever after. And your children call you blessed because simplicity and discipline and truth gird you in triple brass. It isn’t all that simple. You are going to say that I am jealous, and perhaps I am—it is an idea that I have entertained. But I think I love my friend, and I think I honor those fine and wholesome notions that she has. I just haven’t found them practical. In my book, it also takes a little laughter.

Gay sounds like a lady who behaves by the book, through discipline and a bit of blindness. The two girls had an unusual childhood. The Narrator lost her parents at a young age and was raised by an eccentric aunt. Gay was raised by her grand-parents, among a swarm of uncles. Her grand-mother was a literature teacher at university (like E. Savage’s mother) and the house was full of books. Her grand-father was a drunkard.

Having met the grandmother, I understood Gay’s passion for order; after I met the grandfather, I understood her passion for temperance

The Narrator comes back to Gay’s marriage to Len, her relationship with their children, especially the oldest, Charley. We learn about her first marriage to Barry, her pain after his death, her long affair with Wes and her marriage to Sam. While her time with Barry was tumultuous, her affair with Wes was limited since he wouldn’t leave his wife, she now is into a calm, mature and loving marriage with Sam.

Her flashbacks alternate with the day’s events. Len and Gay are worried about their son Charley, who’s in Canada, fleeing the Vietnam war. Len is obviously tense and the Narrator suspects he had bad news about something. Gay doesn’t approve of Wes, wondering if her friend is cheating on her husband Sam with him. The Narrator says that Sam should be here, that she should call him but she doesn’t and we only learn in the last pages why she doesn’t.

Gay and the Narrator are like oil and water and I wondered how their friendship lasted so long. The Narrator muses:

The fact of the matter is that what everyone is looking for is total acceptance and unqualified approval. Some one person in the world who feels that everything you do is right. Not someone who tries to be a good sport while you make the old mistakes.

Usually, we have this unconditional love from our parents, maybe from our siblings. Gay and the Narrator didn’t have this kind of love, and may have found it in their friendship. Perhaps this deep need is the cement of the relationship between these two very different women.

Besides her life story, the Narrator comments on the changes in Boston. She obviously loves the city very much. The town destroys older building to build brand new skyscrapers. Old shops disappear, downtown neighborhoods aren’t as safe as before at night. She describes hippies on the street and a new way-of-life emerging from the 1960s. We’re in the Mad Men era, here.

Despite her flaws, and maybe because she owns them with gusto, I couldn’t help liking the Narrator. She lives with her mistakes and losses and doesn’t wallow, not because it’s the right thing to do (You know, the “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”) but because it doesn’t make sense to wallow. As she points out, if you sulk your life away, who has won? I liked her attitude, even if she sounds careless sometimes.

She also accepts other people’s flaws and doesn’t judge them for being human. I think she’s a bit jealous of Gay, of her landing Len and having children but deep down she knows she wasn’t cut-out of that kind of life and had she been in Gay’s place, things wouldn’t have turned the same way. She has the kind of lucidity I am drawn to.

And last but not least, who wouldn’t like someone who thinks that It is very dangerous to get caught without something to read.

Highly recommended, especially to readers who enjoyed The Eastern Parade by Richard Yates.

PS: This is not available in French. Hence the Translation Tragedy Tag and Category.

  1. Pat
    March 14, 2021 at 4:53 pm

    Hi Emma, thanks for stopping by and liking my last post, Alice Zeniter, I appreciate your following, I’m just not tech enough to work out how to tell you, I hope this is as good a place as any to tell you


    • March 14, 2021 at 9:18 pm

      You’re welcome! I’ve never read Alice Zeniter.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. March 14, 2021 at 6:27 pm

    I ordered this based on your recommendation. In the queue.


    • March 14, 2021 at 9:17 pm

      I really think it’s your kind of books.


  3. March 14, 2021 at 9:24 pm

    I’m not that fond of Yates to be honest but I agree that this sounds like my sort of book


    • March 16, 2021 at 9:48 pm

      Looking forward to reading your review. How far is it on the TBR?


  4. March 15, 2021 at 2:48 am

    The narrator does sound like a very appealing character with the way she faces life and herself and others.

    Do you also follow Nancy Pearl on Twitter? She often has backlist title suggestions there.


    • March 16, 2021 at 9:49 pm

      I liked the Narrator and all the little remarks about life that she drops here and there.
      I didn’t follow Nancy Pearl on Twitter but now I do! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Ajb
    January 3, 2022 at 11:09 pm

    Thanks for the recommendation, Emma! I like the circuitous route you took to finding this one, and it sounds as if it was really worthwhile. I’m looking forward to reading it too.


    • January 3, 2022 at 11:24 pm

      I love getting to books that way, by chance.
      I hope you’ll review this one and The Power of the Dog too.


      • January 4, 2022 at 12:17 am

        Me too! I used to discover most of my reading by chance, in the days before book blogs and Goodreads and so on. It would be something like just seeing the author mentioned somewhere or the cover happening to catch my eye in the bookshop or library. With so much left to chance, it felt like striking gold when I ended up loving the book! Nowadays I tend to research new books more and have more of an idea what I’ll be getting, but I still love a good serendipitous discovery.


        • January 4, 2022 at 12:22 am

          I used to do that too, note down book ideas from other books.
          Book blind dates are wonderful, even if the book ends up not being so good.
          That’s why I got myself a Kube subscription, where I receive an unknown book every month I love it.


          • January 4, 2022 at 1:33 am

            Kube sounds wonderful! It must be tough to get those recommendations right, but it sounds as if they’re doing a good job 🙂


            • January 8, 2022 at 3:52 pm

              Independent libraires pick the books that are purchased through Independent bookstores. A good idea


  6. Paul Cleary
    October 17, 2022 at 6:09 pm

    I enjoyed this book, but the ending did leave me with serious questions. Is our Narrator in the hospital for a terminal illness, hence The last Night at the Ritz? She mentions in one chapter that she lost her hair once and that won’t happen again. Does she have cancer? She says at the end of the book « This time I’m going straight to the Head of the Firm … » to speak on Charley’s behalf. « I have had » a delightful time. So there seems to be a dark ending here. Or could she be going into rehab….. Have I missed something obvious?


    • October 17, 2022 at 9:53 pm

      I think that our Narrator has cancer again and that she doesn’t expect to recover from it.


  1. October 13, 2021 at 10:00 am
  2. January 8, 2022 at 7:40 pm
  3. May 31, 2022 at 9:48 pm

I love to hear your thoughts, thanks for commenting. Comments in French are welcome

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