Acceptable Loss by Anne Perry

December 6, 2016 Leave a comment Go to comments

Acceptable Loss by Anne Perry (2011) French title : La fin justifie les moyens. Translated by Florence Bertrand

perry_acceptable_lossAcceptable Loss is the eighteenth volume of the Monk series created by Anne Perry. I’ve read them all, they’re part of my comfort reading diet. Set in London in the second part of the 19th century, the main characters are Monk, his wife Hester and their friend Sir Oliver Rathbone. Monk has lost part of his memory in a cab accident years before. Hester used to be a nurse in the Crimea war and she now manages a clinic that helps prostitutes. Sir Rathbone is a famous barrister.

In the previous volume, they had solved an ugly case of children prostitution. Monk is now commander of the River Police. He’s called to the banks of the river Thames when Orrie Jones finds the body of Mickey Parfitt in the water. Monk thinks he’s been murdered, which is confirmed by the legist. Worse: Parfitt was strangled with a knotted expensive silk scarf. The murder was premeditated. Parfitt owned a ship moored nearby on the river Thames and it was used as a secret club for members of the good society. Parfitt provided these gentlemen with sex shows involving little boys.

Monk is horrified by this traffic. On the one hand, he’s not keen on finding the murdered as he thinks Parfitt deserved his fate. On the other hand, this is the second case involving children trade and the last one was somehow unfinished. He wants to find out who financed Parfitt, helped him set up the boat and brought new clients. Parfitt didn’t have the means or the connections to start this business on his own.

Monk investigates, Hester meddles and Rathbone is in a difficult position as his father-in-law might be involved in this nasty business.

Acceptable Loss met my expectations. I picked it to be entertained the way you watch a film. Mission accomplished. Anne Perry manages to renew herself and to keep things interesting for her long time readers. I’ll read the next one when I need comfort read.

  1. December 6, 2016 at 4:54 pm

    I know you don’t usually read about author’s lives, but have you read about this one?

    I wouldn’t read this as I don’t tend to read historical fiction.


    • December 6, 2016 at 9:49 pm

      Yes, I know about her past…as a murderer. Fascinating.

      I don’t think you’d like this, to be honest. I enjoy the victorian atmosphere and the way she describes social classes.


      • December 10, 2016 at 8:50 pm

        Have you seen Heavenly Creatures?


        • December 10, 2016 at 8:53 pm

          No. I know it’s about her story but I haven’t seen it.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. December 6, 2016 at 5:53 pm

    When you first mentioned this series I wasn’t tempted but now suddenly I am. I think I’ll get the first one one of these days.


    • December 6, 2016 at 9:45 pm

      It’s not great literature but her style is good enough and you want to know what happened.
      In the first volume, William Monk resumes his life after his accident. It’s interesting for the personal life of the character and for the mystery.


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