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Very Inspiring Blogger Award

blogger-awardCaroline from Beauty is a Sleeping Cat was kind enough to nominate me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I’m honoured she nominated me and I’m in excellent company on her list. I’m supposed to tell you seven things you don’t know about me and nominate fifteen bloggers for this award. Well, let’s start with these seven things:

1) If I wear a pink shirt, it’s because pink suits my complexion, not because I’m a woman,

2) I love roller-skating, especially on the banks of the Rhône river,

3) I enjoy email correspondence with the speed of the Victorian post-office, meaning I don’t answer right away but I can write long emails,

4) I’m learning how to play my first waltz by Chopin,

5) I have a black thumb, every time I try to take care of a plant, it dies.

6) At the end of my adolescence, I discovered that my trinity of cute guys weren’t what they seemed, i.e. George Michael is gay, Tom Cruise is in a cult and Michael Hutchence was suicidal.

7) I don’t like wine, yeah, I know, I’m French, it’s supposed to be in my DNA. What can I say, I’m hopeless.

Enough about me. Now, let’s talk about the most important part of this blogging award, the other blogs I’d like you to discover if you don’t know them already. Caroline has already nominated most of the 15 ones I’d put on my list, so I’m only listing the ones she didn’t mention:

Passage à L’Est. It’s a blog in French about Hungarian literature. Passage à l’Est is French and lives in Hungary. I’ve enjoyed all the Hungarian books I’ve read and it’s a literature I want to explore. Her blog is a good way to hear about new writers or at least writers that are new to me.

Edith’s Miscellany. Edith is Austrian and blogs in English. She has eclectic tastes and her reviews are always thoughtful. She has a poetry meme every Monday.

Seraillon. Scott has impecable taste in his choice of books and if you’ve never been at Seraillon’s, then hurry up.

I really hope you’ll time a bit of your time to browse these blogs. Thanks again Caroline for adding me to your list and I regret that I don’t have more time to read other blogs because there really are fantastic ones on the blogosphere. So, a big hurray to all of us.

  1. July 23, 2014 at 8:34 am

    You were in a more sharing mood than I. 🙂 Some things I knew – some are new.
    I’m only familiar with Scott’s blog – so that’s a good thing. Two new blogs to discover.


    • July 23, 2014 at 6:22 pm

      Well, I didn’t reveal anything deep, did I? You knew about my black thump? 😉

      I think you’ll like the two other blogs too. I really wish I had more time to read more blogs. I already have trouble reading the few ones I follow.


  2. July 23, 2014 at 10:05 am

    Enjoyed reading the 7 facts about you, Emma. The one about enjoying email correspondence with the speed of the Victorian post office made me smile 🙂 It is really surprising that you don’t like wine! I have read Edith’s thoughtful comments to your posts though I haven’t explored her blog yet. I thought that Delphine, your fellow Romain Gary lover would also find a place in your list 🙂


    • July 23, 2014 at 6:24 pm

      Thanks Vishy.
      I thought about Romain Gary et moi, Delphine’s blog about Romain Gary but it’s in French and really specific.


  3. July 23, 2014 at 4:23 pm

    Congratulations Emma!

    I am already familiar with Scott’s superb blog and I will be heading over to look at Edith’s.

    I am also going to give Passage à l’Est a try as my wife helps me with my French 🙂

    I share your issues with plants and long emails 🙂


    • July 23, 2014 at 6:27 pm

      Thanks Brian. I enjoy reading your blog although I rarely comment, mostly because I have nothing interesting to say.

      I just subscribed to two German blogs to improve my German, so we’ll see how your French and my German go in the next few months. 🙂


  4. July 23, 2014 at 9:31 pm

    Wow, hey, thanks, Emma! I’m honored and flattered, especially since I post so seldom. I’m pleased that people find the blog worth reading. And thank you too for alerting me to Passage à L’Est and Edith’s Miscellany, which I’ll explore post-haste.

    Also, your “seven things” is a great list. Never mind about the wine; I’ve two French friends who don’t like cheese, and that seems a far more egregious French sin.


    • July 24, 2014 at 10:22 pm

      It’s well deserved, Scott.

      I love cheese, so I’m not such a lost cause. 🙂


  5. July 23, 2014 at 11:15 pm

    Thank you! It is very nice indeed to be singled out by a blogger whose literary opinions I value and enjoy reading about. It seems we share some features too, especially points 3 and 7 of your list (though that has changed a lot since living in Hungary. And thank god I like cheese). I’m looking forward to discovering some of the blogs on yours and Caroline’s list that I didn’t know about though I, too, alas, have trouble finding the time for it all. I haven’t started following Hungarian blogs seriously, but all your linguistic resolutions make me feel I should, perhaps, think about doing that…


    • July 24, 2014 at 10:41 pm

      You’re welcome, I hope new readers have discovered your blog.

      I really wish I had more time for other blogs. I have posts piled up in my mail box that I need to read. One of them is in German, phew, that’s not going to be easy…


  6. July 27, 2014 at 12:50 pm

    Thank you very much for including my blog into your list of interesting book sites! I feel honoured and flattered like the two others whose blogs you mentioned. I had a look and you’re right – they are great sites.

    Congratulations on being nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award – I hope that you’ll win it too. You certainly deserve it since I always find quality content here. I should drop by more regularly and write comments every now and then… alas, where does time always fly with the speed of light?


    • July 30, 2014 at 7:02 am

      Thanks Edith. I hope that a couple of visitors discovered your blog after this.


  7. August 2, 2014 at 3:14 pm

    You don’t like wine? :-0 My images of your Frenchness have been shattered. Thanks for the blog recommendations – they look really good!


    • August 3, 2014 at 3:15 am

      I don’t like wine but I like cheese, including feta cheese which leads me to the way to Greekness 🙂


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