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Fame: A Novel in Nine Stories by Daniel Kehlmann

November 6, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

Fame: A Novel in Nine Stories by Daniel Kehlmann. 2009. Original title: Ruhm. French title: Gloire.

This is my first read for the German Lit Month hosted by Caroline and Lizzy. I chose it after reading Guy’s review here. Fame is a strange exhilarating book. It’s made of nine different stories, each making sense as a stand-alone but taking an extra dimension when read among the others. Indeed, the stories bounce on each other, featuring recurring characters, one story explaining a detail included in another story or casually referring to an event that took place in another tale.

The recurring characters are a famous actor Ralph Tanner, an acclaimed writer Leo Richter and a successful writer of self-help books Miguel Auristos Blancos. They are either main characters in a story or side characters in others, impacting other people’s lives. It’s very well-constructed; it’s a real pleasure to cross-reference events, characters and to discover the network of relationships and events that tie them together. Seen Short Cuts by Robert Altman? That would be it.

Fame is a topic but not the only one. I enjoyed the interaction writer/character in Rosalie Goes Off to Die and in In Danger. Leo Richter isn’t a likeable character and his lover Elisabeth always fears she’ll end up as a character in one of his stories. I’ve always wondered how relatives and friends of writers handle that when it happens. Do they have the feeling that the author steals their lives and betrays them? Leo is a coward; he’s constantly ranting, moping and whining. And selfish too, not grateful at all that these readers who come and hear his lectures buy his books and allow him to pay the bills. He’s looking down on them, mocking their clothes, their questions, their conversation. There’s a huge gap between the quality of his literary work and the qualities of the man.

A recurring them is modern communications. It’s present in A Contribution to the Debate through Mollwitz, a nerd spending most of his awaken time commenting on forums and blogs. His avatar is mollwitt, the “translation” of his German name into English, as witz means witt. Several characters work for a cell phone company. It also explores the way we have the world within touch in our pocket with our web phone. We, bloggers know that, the virtual proximity with people we’ve never met and live on the other side of the planet.

Daniel Kehlmann also depicts the globalization of culture and of thinking through the Brazilian writer Miguel Auristos Blancos (Paolo Coehlo??) He writes self-help books and pseudo-philosophical works about accepting life and living in peace with yourself. His books appear in every story, in a way or another, whatever the country, whatever the décor or the social background of the characters. It made me think of bookstores in airport: look at them, you’ll find the same authors everywhere.

In How I Lied and Died, Kehlmann shows how cheating is easier with technologies and it reminded me of Jonathan Coe’s character who captures noises in airports to help cheaters make their spouse believe they are where they aren’t.

I’d like to focus a bit on Contribution to the Debate, probably my favorite story. It is a first person narrative by Mollwitz himself. It’s written in the language of nerds, full of English words. My mom wouldn’t understand half of it and I could imagine her complaining “Can’t they write in French? Don’t we have enough words?” Actually, I think the story can be pretty obscure for someone who doesn’t speak English and/or knows nothing about forums and blogs. (Since my mom meets both criteria, reading this would be like deciphering the Rosetta Stone). I wrote this – I who just learnt that the French word for “post” is “billet” – and then I wanted to include a quote and see how it looked like in English. (thanks Amazon “look inside”!!) So here is the opening paragraph of the story:

Là il va falloir que je re-monte en arrière. Sorry et : je sais bien que lithuania23 et icu_lop vont à nouveau se moquer de la longueur de ce post et bien sûr lordoftheflakes, ce troll, comme récemment dans son flame sur movieforum, mais je peux pas faire plus court et celui qu’est pressé, il a qu’à passer direct à la suite. Rencontrer des people ? Alors là attention !Je dois dire au préalable que je suis un fan hard-de-chez-core de ce forum. 24 carats, comme idée. Des types clean tels que moi et toi qui repèrent les celebs et en parlent : cool à profusion, vachement bien conçu, intéressant pour tout un chacun et ça fait aussi fonction de contrôle, pour ce qu’ils savent qu’ils sont scannés et peuvent pas se comporter comme je sais quoi. Ca fait des siècles que je voulais mettre un post ici, mais pas de problème, d’où problème. Or là-dessus le week-end dernier, et de suite, tous azimuts. Here I have to back up. Sorry: perfectly clear that lithuania23 and icu-lop will flame this posting for being too long; so will that troll lordoftheFlakes, just like he flamed on MovieForum, but I can’t do it shorter, and whoever’s in a hurry can just skip it. Meeting celebrities? Heads up!Must signal that I’m a huge hardcore fan of this forum. Platinium idea. Normal types like you and me who spot famous people and report on their sightings: chill, no? wicked idea, really well worked out, interesting to everyone and besides it acts like control, so they know they’re being scanned and can’t just goof off. Wanted to post here forever, only where to get the stuff. But then came last weekend, the whole load.

The English version has as many syntax errors and spoken language than the French but I think the French version is more obscure to the offline reader than the English. Unfortunately the “look inside” of Amazon Germany didn’t allow me to find the same quote in German. Are there all these English words in the original version or is it the work of the French translator? However, the reader understands that Mollwitz lives in an alternate reality as his real life is nonexistent. He lives with his tyrannical mother, has no friends and having a girl-friend seems out of the question.

The style varies from one story to the other, showing characters trapped in their lives and living through events due to the decisions made by other characters in another story. It’s full of spot on and witty remarks on life in general and on our modern world in particular. A delight.

  1. November 6, 2011 at 10:38 am

    This sounds like a book well worth pursuing, I tend to like books that deal with the idea of communication add Into that mix the idea of perceived persona and it has added appeal. Great post enjoyed it.


    • November 6, 2011 at 10:33 pm

      Hello, thanks for dropping by and reading my review.
      It’s a great book about our modern societies and the structure is clever. Well worth reading.


  2. November 6, 2011 at 10:58 am

    Ver interesting indeed. I read two Kehlmann’s so far “Ich und Kaminski” which I loved and “Die Vermessung der Welt” which I hated.
    This one reminds be a bit of Arthur Schnitzler’s Reigen with the people who are passed on from scene to scene (in the play).
    One of the biggest differences between German and French is that German adopts everything fro the English language and will end up being a sort of English variety. So, yes, the expression are all in English in original German (just checked).
    This is a book I really want to read soon, you make sound very worthwhile (I haven’t read Guy’s review)


    • November 6, 2011 at 10:39 pm

      I remember from German classes that many new words came from the English. Have you ever heard of the equivalent to the Académie française in other countries? They’re the ones who invents the new French words to avoid the English one. If they are quick enough, that the word is easy to say and used by the media, it replaces the English word. Otherwise it’s a lost cause. For example, “courriel” is a nice word for “e-mail” but it came too late.
      Where did you check online or do you have the book? If online, can you give me the address, I could use it for another review.
      I know you must be very busy at the moment, but when you have time, read Guy’s review.


      • November 7, 2011 at 7:31 am

        I have it at home.
        Yes, I’m a tad busy. 🙂
        I will read it.


        • November 7, 2011 at 10:30 am

          It’s just because this event is a big success.


  3. November 6, 2011 at 7:04 pm

    I have the Me and Kaminski Caroline mentions. Bought it after reading Fame. Reading your review made me rember just how funny the book is. Did you come away with a favourite character?


    • November 6, 2011 at 10:42 pm

      Really, Mollwitz is my favourite one, even if he’s not likeable. And Rosalie, full of dignity and thoroughly organizing her death.
      Who was yours?


      • November 7, 2011 at 4:18 am

        Mollwitz without a doubt. Second Leo Richter. I rewatched Woody Allen’s Husbands & Wives today and thought about Leo as a Woody Allen charater.


        • November 7, 2011 at 10:30 am

          I see Leo as a Woddy Allen character too. Maybe the old man in Whatever Works.


  4. November 7, 2011 at 7:12 pm

    Yesterday, when I re-watched Husbands and Wives I noticed a character (from Woody Allen’s book)I hadn’t paid that much attention too. He’s a swinger loaded with women. It’s played by the same actor who poos on Woody Allen’s sister in Crimes and Misdemeanors. Perhaps this explains why we both liked the book so much as we are both Woody Allen fans, and there is a similarity. I hadn’t noticed the character connection between Husbands & Wives and Crimes and Misdemeanors before. This is what happens when you watch a film multiple times. You start picking up things you missed before.


    • November 8, 2011 at 10:06 am

      I’m not surprised that Allen’s films bounce on each other but I’ve never notices it. I don’t re-watch films very often but I’m sure you can find many cross-references between his films.


  5. November 16, 2011 at 5:11 pm

    The Blancos element seems spot on. Wherever you are, the same pap follows.

    Generally it sounds excellent. I was concerned that there was a whiff of cliche regarding the online forum guy being friendless and girlfriendless and living with his mother. That smacks a bit of stereotype. A delight though? It does sound it. Fast and fun but with some meat on it still.


    • November 16, 2011 at 7:12 pm

      I thought about the cliché too but it was still good.
      I think you’d enjoy the construction of the book.


  6. November 16, 2011 at 9:41 pm

    Yes. I had a similar thought. It reminds me slightly (only slightly) of The Imperfectionists in that regard.


    • November 16, 2011 at 10:19 pm

      I think Guy made the connection between the two too.


  1. November 6, 2011 at 8:31 pm
  2. November 30, 2011 at 10:13 am
  3. December 1, 2011 at 7:05 am

I love to hear your thoughts, thanks for commenting. Comments in French are welcome

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